And now back to your regularly scheduled programming…

This is my question to you all….book versus movie: fun or stressful?

I know, I know …who gets stressed about watching a movie based on a book they have read? Admittedly, that would be me. I will confess I am a worry wart by nature. No matter how small and silly the task is, I can worry about it! That’s why when a film comes out based on one of my beloved just-read-must-reads…  it is I who is up to the task of worrying about it.

Here are just a few of my head and I’s favorite worry points:

“What if the characters seem different then my head and I already decided they would be?”

“What if the film misses some of my head and I’s favorite morsel of book moments?

“What if it just isn’t like what my head and I had so diligently painted together?”

My husband and I recently watched a movie, where I had read the book.  I suggested he might have liked the book and he says “why read the book when I can see it in two hours.” Afterwards, I asked him how he liked the movie and he said “eh” and shrugged.

** Bangs head on table**

Thank you for your attention and now back to your regularly scheduled programming….

***End rant***